Sweet Snack-tacular

Today I’m gonna introduce to you guys my all time favorite sweet snack and for sure after you read this blog you’ll surely love it too.

I know you know what kind of snack is this. And any ages enjoys this, especially the kids who love sweet foods. These many kinds of candy’s are the sweetest thing for me, but only one is my fave and that is the dolphin candy — the color blue and white on the upper left side. 

The manong vendor sells it outside the University of Makati at the price of Php5.00 for 4pieces and you can also buy those at the sari-sari and grocery store. 

Stik-O strawberry wafer sticks for only Php50.00. I know a lot of Filipino love stick-o’s especially the strawberry flavor. And when you dip it on Dan Eric’s ice cream the cookies n’ cream flavor you’ll surely love it, especially when you are bored this combination are the best.

Those sweet snacks are very affordable and you can munch it all day.  But remember to drink a lot of water and don’t forget to brush your teeth to keep cavities away. 

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